Master the art of making homemade sweet tea syrup with this easy recipe to follow recipe. Learn to make this southern staple to serve at all your gatherings.
In a pot add equal parts, 4 cup water and 4 cup sugar. Put it on high heat. Using a whisk continuously stir the sugar and water mixture until the water begins to boil.
Once the sugar water mixture begins to boil remove the pot from the heat.
Add one sleeve of tea bags or approximately 25. These are the small tea bags intended for a single cup of tea, not the big tea bags. If you are using big tea bags use approximately 4.
Remove the tea bags and pour the tea syrup into an airtight container. I prefer to use a mason jar. Store in the refrigerator for 7-10 days.
It is important to know this is a syrup/concentrate. You will need approximately 1 cup of syrup to 2 quarts of water or 2 cups of syrup to 1 gallon of water. You can always add more syrup or less depending on how sweet you like your tea.