Learn how to preserve the freshness and nutritional value of potatoes through raw pack canning, ensuring your pantry is stocked with versatile ingredients.
Prep Time: 25 minutesminutes
Cook Time: 40 minutesminutes
Total Time: 1 hourhour5 minutesminutes
Yield: 7Quarts
Calories: 115kcal
Pressure canner
Jar lifter
Magnetic lid wand
Selecting Potatoes: Choose freshly harvested or store-bought potatoes with no signs of decay or disease.
Preparing Jars and Lids: Clean jars thoroughly add jar lids to a pot of boiling water so they can begin to sanitize.
In a large stockpot add water and bring to a boil. Once it boils set aside.
Cleaning and Peeling Potatoes: Wash potatoes to remove any dirt. If desired peel the skin off the potatoes. (I prefer to leave the skins on) Leaving them unpeeled adds extra nutrients and texture to your final product. It is important to note that it is recommended by the USDA to only can potatoes that have been peeled. Botulism spores are in the ground so any vegetable that grows in the ground is at risk of botulism.
Cutting Potatoes: Cut potatoes into uniform pieces, typically 1 to 2 inches in size. If you have new potatoes that are small enough you can leave them as whole potatoes and can them as is.
Packing Jars: Pack the prepared potato chunks tightly into the sterilized jars, leaving a 1-inch head space.
Add 1 tsp of salt to each quart jar or 1/2 tsp to each pint jar. (This is optional.)
Pour the hot water over the potatoes leaving 1 inch headspace and debubble.
Wipe rims of the jars with vinegar to remove any starch that may be on the rings.
Add lids and rings to the jars finger tight.
Place jars in your pressure canner and process quarts for 40 minutes or 35 minutes for pints at 10 PSI. (You will need to check the elevation in your area to find out what PSI to use.)