The quickest, easiest, most affordable way to remove lead paint safely at home with very few tools and materials required.
IR Paint Stripper
Paint stripper
Laminated paper
Eye protection
Lead test
When it comes to wanting to remove paint you can either test for lead paint or treat all paint as if it contains lead. It is so important to know that even if the top layer of paint does not contain lead, always go by the very bottom layer of paint. When testing for lead paint scrape a small spot down to the very bottom layer and test that spot.
Next wearing a respirator, gloves, and safety glasses decide which paint removal method you want to begin with. I end up using every method by the time the project is finished. Each tool/method has a purpose.
On flat smooth areas of the door I prefer to use the IR Paint Stripper. It can remove multiple layers at once. Make sure the IR Paint Stripper does not touch the paint. Hover the tool about half an inch from the paint hold for 10 -15 seconds, move the tool, and scrape the paint. When moving the tool the paint should be bubbly. When scraping it should come off with minimal pressure. Experiment with how long it needs to be held in one spot before scraping. (Depending on what is under the paint you will get a different result. If there is stain under all of the paint you should get a clean scrape but if it is raw wood under the paint you more than likely will not get a clean scrape.) Repeat this step over the entire flat smooth area.
Next, once the entire flat smooth areas are as paint free as you can get them with the IR Paint Stripper use paint stripper on any detail areas or flat surface areas that still have paint. Follow the directions on whichever paint stripper you choose to use, wait the allotted time and remove the paint stripper. (I find that using small picks is the best way to get in the tiny crevices to remove small remnants of paint.)
After using the paint stripper clean the door thoroughly and neutralize before applying any stains, polys, or sealers.