All About Food Preservation
I’m passionate about food preservation because it allows us to eat garden fresh fruits, vegetables, and meat we raised year-round. It prevents food spoilage and food waste if done correctly. Food preservation is a great start to becoming self-sufficient and will help you on your journey to preparedness.
Learn About Food Preservation
Understanding the different types of food preservation
The basics to food preservation is understanding the different types of home food preservation. The most common types of food preservation is canning, dehydrating, fermenting, freezing, and freeze-drying. You will need to determine your budget and which methods are a good fit for you, your family, and your lifestyle.

Grab a copy of my free
Canning Inventory Printable
Need to know exactly what you have canned and what you need to can more of? Use our free canning inventory to keep you organized this canning season.
Start Canning
Learning to Can
Beginning your canning journey can seem daunting, but with careful planning, it becomes manageable and exciting. Start by familiarizing yourself the equipment you will need such as a pressure canner. Learn how to successfully set up the canner, how much water to use, and how long to process.
Start Dehydrating
Learning to dehydrate
Learning to dehydrate is one of the easiest forms of home food preservation. It is relatively cheap to start out and an efficient way to preserve fruits, vegetables, herbs, and even meat. If you don’t have a dehydrator it is possible to achieve dehydrated foods by using your oven.
Start Fermenting
Learning to Ferment
Fermenting foods is an extremely common method of food preservation for beginning homesteaders. It is the cheapest and one of the easiest forms of preservation. Fermented foods contain healthy bacteria that is great for gut health, so that combined with it being beginner friendly makes it a great place to start when it comes to food preservation.
Choose Home Food Preservation Method
Choosing the best home food preservation method for you
When choosing the right home food preservation method to get started with take into account the cost of starting, education, skills, and equipment needed. Beginning to ferment and dehydrating are going to be the easier methods while canning requires more equipment and a little more research.